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Tattoo Removal in Lafayette -
Body and Cosmetic Before & After

Turn your ink regrets into an amazing transformation.

Embrace the journey of transformation, where time and a little discomfort lead to remarkable results.

Tattoo removal is a process that largely depends on the color and density of the ink, size and location on your body,  amateur or professional application and how long you've had it. 

For complete laser tattoo removal or lightening (for eventual cover up artwork), patients of youbaby Skin Spa commit to a treatment plan of removal. Realistically removal could take as long as 2 years, with a treatment every two months. Of course, results vary

Schedule a free consultation to learn more our tattoo removal services and let us know if we can help with any questions! 

Check out the results of our patients, and don't hesitate to reach out with any questions!


Request a consultation today