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Laser Hair Removal in Lafayette - 
Say goodbye to unwanted hair, anywhere!


Tired of planning your wardrobe around shaving or waxing? Ready to put away the razor, dump the wax and free yourself from those expensive, annoying and time-consuming grooming rituals? 

Most women and many men spend hours shaving several times a week. Over a lifetime, the cost of shaving is more than $10,000; double that for waxing procedures! Compare that to just $3,000 (the average lifetime cost) to remove unwanted hair by laser removal. 

What’s the one thing standing between you and smooth soft skin? Unwanted hair!

When you choose laser hair removal over the other options, you’re able to target precise areas (from the most common to a little more obscure). It doesn’t matter what your skin type is or the density of your hair, our advanced technology allows us to treat it effectively, and leave your skin undamaged.

What you should know about laser hair removal at youbaby Skin Spa.

What is laser hair removal? Treatments specifically designed to permanently reduce hair on your face and body. Works great for both men and women regardless of skin color or hair type. Successive laser treatments provide efficient, effective hair reduction.

How does the technology work? Each pulse delivers consistent and sustained laser light energy that targets the root of the hair follicle. The pigment in the root absorbs the light, disabling future follicle growth. This technology, at the correct wavelength is the best way to achieve the safest, most effective results for most patients.

Am I a good candidate for laser hair removal? Successful hair removal depends on your skin type (fair to dark), and hair type (thin to coarse). Since the laser is specifically looking for pigment, the darker the hair, the more effective the treatment will be. Grey, white, light blonde, or red hair is not recommended for laser hair reduction.

What areas can be treated? Most areas of unwanted hair. Most commonly treated areas include underarms, legs, bikini area, and men’s chest and back. Results are achievable on all skin and hair types—dark or light, fine or coarse.

How many treatments will I need? The total number of treatments varies based on the area treated. Typically, 4-5 treatments spaced 6-8 weeks apart are recommended. 

Why are multiple treatments required? Laser hair removal requires multiple treatments because hair grows in different phases. For the best results, it is necessary to repeat the treatments at recommended intervals. You’ll know you’re due for your next treatment session when hair in the treated area begins to grow back. Missing a treatment could mean missing the optimal stage of hair growth for removal, thereby increasing the number of treatments required.

What does it feel like? Most patients report that laser hair removal feels like a rubber band lightly snapping the skin. Our device uses continuous cooling before, during and after each pulse to increase patient comfort and safety. 

How long does it take? Laser hair removal is safe, fast and effective. Depending upon the treatment area, you could be in and out within 30 minutes, longer for larger treatment areas.

What can I expect after treatment? You may experience some redness in the treatment area and increased sensitivity for 24 hours. It will take 2 to 3 weeks for the hairs in the treated area to shed. Following your treatment we recommend applying sunscreen to the treated area and avoid excessive sun exposure. Sticking to our post care recommendations will be important for you to achieve the results you want.

Is laser hair removal permanent? Yes. The removal of the hair growth is permanent with repeat treatments. Any residual hair growth can be permanently cleaned up with electrolysis

Achieve smooth, touchable, hair-free skin.

At youbaby Skin Spa, we are using the ‘next generation premium’ laser hair removal technology, developed by the pioneers of laser hair removal technology. The (Cutera excel HR) delivers proven results safely and effectively in as little as 30 minutes. 

Regardless of skin color or hair type, both women and men can achieve permanent hair removal.

  • Safe, non-invasive, non-surgical procedure.
  • Effective for all hair types—fine or coarse.
  • Treats face, underarms, legs, bikini area, men’s chest and back.
  • Continuous cooling ensures patient comfort throughout the treatment.
  • Quick, easy, economical.

What to expect.

Before your treatment:

  • Hair should be cleanly shaven. The day before or just prior to the treatment is recommended. 
  • No sun-tanning or self-tanners for 4 weeks prior to treatment.
  • No waxing, plucking, or tweezing at least 4 weeks prior to treatment.
  • Avoid treatments that may irritate the skin for 1-2 weeks prior to treatment (depilatories, harsh chemicals, etc.)
  • History of herpes or cold sores may require an anti-viral prescription prior to treatment.

During your treatment:

  • Laser hair removal is largely painless. Some patients describe the sensation as a slight snapping or pricking feeling.
  • Depending on the type of treatment, it’s possible it could only take a few minutes to around an hour or two at maximum.

After your treatment:

  • You may experience some redness and increased sensitivity for about 24 hours.
  • Hair in treatment area begins to shed in 2-3 weeks
  • Avoid sun exposure and use a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen. This is THE most important point!
  • Avoid excessive heat – hot tubs, sauna, etc. for 1-2 days after your appointment.
  • Avoid skin irritants a few days post treatment (products containing tretinoin, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids, astringents, etc.)

Schedule your free consultation. 

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BOOK NOWSoon, you’ll be on your way to experiencing smooth, touchable skin

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