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Who's the best candidate for laser hair removal?

When considering if laser hair removal is for you, ask your self a few key questions!

  1. Do you have pesky unwanted hair?
  2. Do you want smooth, touchable skin?
  3. Do you hate to shave, wax, or use depilatories?
  4. Do you want to save time and money?
  5. Do you want something safe and effective?

If you answered yes to any of these questions laser hair removal could be right the solution for you.

Now that you have the will, let’s see if there’s a way.

Do you qualify?

Happily, most people who are interested in laser hair removal qualify for treatments. Mostly the criteria depend on skin and hair type, overall health conditions, and body hair and grooming trends.


Pigment determines treatability.

The key to successful hair removal is melanin! Since the laser is specifically looking for pigment, the darker the hair, the more effective the treatment will be. You’ll easily qualify if you have lots of melanin in your hair.

Hair color

The hair just needs to be dark enough for the laser to target the pigment. Without melanin in the hair follicles, natural blondes, natural white, grey and redheads won’t benefit from laser hair removal.

Skin tone

In the past, laser hair removal technology worked the best with lighter skin tones and dark hair and not recommended for people of darker skin tones, those with Black or Asian skin for concerns of discoloration, scarring, and risks of other types of skin damage. A contrast between skin color and hair color was needed for laser hair removal to be effective otherwise, the risk was targeting natural skin pigmentation and not the hair’s pigment, led to burning.

Fortunately, due to advances in laser technology, hair removal is now a safe option for people with any skin tone. Hair removal lasers are now more sophisticated with settings that can be adjusted depending on the skin and natural hair color combinations. This includes hair texture and density.

Coarse hair responds better than fine, or vellus, hair. It really doesn’t matter that much if you have thinner hair, the laser is seeking the pigment, not the density of the hair follicle.


Health condition considerations

Good health is always a plus when starting a course of laser hair treatments. Practitioners need to be made aware of any previous treatments, medications or changes that might negatively affect your treatments. Any of the following conditions may prevent laser hair removal treatment:

  • history of melanoma
  • raised moles
  • suspicious lesions
  • keloid scar formation
  • healing problems
  • active infections
  • open lesions
  • hives
  • herpetic lesions
  • cold sores
  • tattoos or permanent make-up in area of treatment
  • recent use of Accutane, tetracycline, or St. John’s wort in the last year
  • autoimmune diseases such as Lupus, Scleroderma, Vitiligo
  • pregnancy, trying to get pregnant, or nursing

Reactions to temporary hair removal

Conditions such as ingrown hairs, razor rash, razor burn, chemical burns or irritation from depilatories may signal the need for a laser hair removal course of treatment as a way to protect the skin’s integrity.

Sun exposure

If you love tanning (real and fake) you might not qualify for laser hair removal. Unless you avoid sun exposure and tanning two weeks before and two weeks after a laser hair removal treatment! The problem is the sun makes skin more sensitive to heat and using a laser on heat sensitive skin can cause hyper-pigmentation, burns and even scarring.

Sunscreen is absolutely necessary! It is the quintessential element for everyday skin health.


Body hair trends

The one thing all trends have in common is that they’re around for a while and then they change! Body hair trends are no different. Beards and chest hair are popular right now, but the next new trend for men might be sleek and mostly hairless. Young women are embracing their armpit hair and choosing to have natural (and hairy) pubic hair. This is a shift from just a few years ago when Hollywood A-Listers were touting the wonders of full Brazilians.

Be sure you’re confident in your decision to enter a laser hair removal journey. You don’t want to have removal regret a few years down the road. But if you don’t follow grooming trends, have had the same hair patterns and habits for years, you’ll make the right decision for you, and be happy with your choices.

If you feel that you qualify for laser hair removal, get in touch for a complimentary consultation to discuss personalized treatment series. Click the link below.

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