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What does collagen have to do with aging?

Everything! According to the buzz in the beauty industry collagen is the answer to anti-aging. Whether it’s topical or a supplement, someone claims to have a product that turns back the hands of time. Here’s the problem – most of these concepts don’t address the key to collagen production. Because collagen and elastin fibers are deep in the skin (dermis) making new collagen takes time, and the right aesthetic treatments. The most effective and long-lasting approach to anti-aging is to stimulate the dermis to activate new cells – making new collagen 

How do you make new collagen?

The most effective way to achieve collagen production is through dermal stimulation. The most popular methods of dermal stimulation use light or heat energy to penetrate deep into the skin as well as collagen induction therapies (micro-needling). Introducing micro-injuries into the skin activates the body’s natural wound-healing processes resulting in faster cell turnover clearing out the dead cells to make way for the newly energized cells. This is a process called neocollagenesis – the production of new collagen.

What does that mean for your skin?

Sometimes the best route to healthy skin is to create a bit of damage (aka - creating inflammatory injury). The skin has this amazing ability to replace and restore dead skin cells and to produce more healthy cells. These energized and stimulated cells produce more collagen which means thicker more resilient skin. New collagen helps fill in areas of tissue loss and smooths skin texture. Wrinkles are reduced in depth and severity, and the overall quality of the skin is improved. Newly produced collagen will last for years and keeps building with every stimulating treatment. So not only does the skin get healthier, but the evidence of aging also diminishes, promoting a more youthful appearance.

What is it and how do I get it? 

Ablative and non-ablative laser skin treatments as well as collagen induction (micro-needling) create dermal stimulation. The type of treatment mostly depends upon skin condition and the extent of aging – deep wrinkling, sun damage, crepy-iness, wrinkling and laxity.

Laser and Light Therapies

Resurfacing laser treatments such as ablative fractional lasers and CO2 lasers use short beams of light and heat to penetrate the skin at varying levels to disrupt the tissues and fibers to create more collagen and elastin. These treatments are recommended deep wrinkles and advanced sun damage. The results are stunning, however, the healing period for each of these can be lengthy – seven to fourteen days to weeks, or months. 

Non-thermal or thermal infrared light energy (light or heat) activates regeneration of natural collagen to generate cell turnover remodeling the lower layers of the skin. Results are noticeable immediately after the treatment with little to no down time, and very few side effects. These laser treatments are safe for people of all skin tones and in good health.

Collagen Induction Therapies

Minor skin injuries activate collagen production followed by inducing healing and nurturing serums to reach the layer of skin where it can work. The skin begins to regenerate from stimulated elastin and collagen. It gets thickener and wrinkles diminish, painlessly.

Micro-needling uses tiny needles to create micro-perforations through the surface of the skin tissue for penetration of peptide serums. The injury followed by serums stimulates the body to form new more youthful collagen fibers leading to skin plumped with healthy new cells. This procedure works on skin of color, for smoker’s lines around the lips, lifts around the eyes, and reduces appearance of acne scarring. 

Micro-needling + Radio Frequency. Combining Microneedling with radio frequency helps target specific points in skin tissue at the depth of the needle’s penetration at the same time delivers heat to the deeper layers of the skin. Tightens and regenerates the skin texture.

PRP. Platelet—rich plasma is a natural product created by your own body that regenerates tissue, promotes new cell growth, and activates collagen production. Micro-needling briefly opens the skin barrier to allow the enriched plasma that brings about healing and rejuvenation of the tissue that promote new cell growth, softens wrinkles, and creates smoother skin texture and tone.

What does this mean for you?

You may have found the answer to anti-aging. You can replenish collagen that you have lost over time and improve your skin health and beauty. Outcomes vary by condition of skin, not necessarily by age.

Thanks to technology and treatments that have improved drastically, you benefit from research and proven results. Most discussed treatments are safe for most skin types and conditions. No one can predict the percentage increase in collagen production after each treatment. Long-term lasting outcomes happen over time. Collagen production once reactivated, will last for years giving you improved skin texture, tone, and overall quality. However, maintenance is necessary for upkeep.

For a qualified consultation and need-based recommendations seek the professional advice of a skin care and laser professional.


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