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5 Things Aesthetic Laser Skin Treatments Can Do

Whether you are 25 or 75 you can transform your skin or fine-tune trouble spots with laser skin treatments. It is possible to achieve healthy and beautiful skin with the right treatment without invasive procedures and significant downtime. If you’re ready for a younger, more youthful appearance, this information is for you!

What concerns can a laser skin treatment transform?

All laser light treatments seek colors (brown or red) within the skin to achieve their results. The laser targets the color to create a very controlled injury to the skin, which stimulates the body’s healing response. Inflammation is a desirable outcome. This response leads to skin renewal as it is stimulating new collagen growth.

This discussion focuses the benefits of using non-ablative aesthetic laser treatments. In a matter of a few months, we can help transform these common concerns: aging skin, crow’s feet & eye wrinkles, sun, and age spots, melasma, spider veins, blood spots or cherry angiomas, enlarged pores, acne, and acne scarring. 

What are the benefits of laser skin treatments?

Spots are less visible – ultra-short pulses target and break up the brown pigments that the body then reabsorbs and disposes through its lymphatic system. 

Wrinkles are reduced – depending upon the location, depth and severity of the wrinkles, lasers stimulate your skin to produce more supportive collagen.

Skin texture is more refined – lasers create micro-wounds (controlled injuries) in deeper layers of the skin leaving surrounding healthy tissues intact and unaffected, stimulating skin renewal.

Firmness is improved – photoacoustic and non-thermal energy boost the production of elastin and collagen to fill in areas of tissue loss.

Radiance is elevated – when directed at darker areas on your skin, the laser energy breaks up excess pigment leaving your skin brighter and even toned.

How long before I see the results?

Non-ablative aesthetic laser treatments are less invasive, have virtually no down time and take fewer sessions to see results. 

It may take several weeks, even months before you begin seeing the changes in your skin. The changes will be subtle; some are more drastic. Individual results vary. 

Non-ablative aesthetic laser treatment sessions, depending upon the need, are short, from 5 to 40 minutes beginning to end (varies based on treatment). There’s often little to no discomfort. A topical numbing agent is usually unnecessary. You may feel a pinching or tingling sensation or a rubber-band snap. The feeling doesn’t last long.

Following the treatment your skin may look pinkish to red, feel puffy and tight. These effects may last several hours to 1 to 2 days. 

Spots will look darker for the first week to ten days. Your skin may feel dry and tight. Crusts may form and fall off (if left alone).

By week three, cell renewal is underway; your skin is nearly recovered. Your skin is brighter, less red, brown spots are 10 to 15 % lighter and red spots nearly gone. Skin is brighter with an even tone.

From our experience, patients begin seeing more of these changes with a before photo comparison when they come for their second session. Keep in mind, the initial changes are subtle, but each treatment is cumulative, therefore, the more sessions you have the more change you can achieve.

What’s next?

Regardless of your age, many of you are troubled over changes in your skin and what can be done about it. The good news is, YES there are solutions. Talk with a skin care and laser professional to discuss your options. Healthier, younger looking skin is possible! 


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